Video Features CIMES System That Helps Universities Serve English Language Learners
Many universities provide an immersive English language program for international students. CIMES developed a centralized business management system that addresses all of these programs' complex application, registration, evaluation, grading, billing, and related processes—leading to an improved user experience for applicants, students, faculty, and staff. Click Learn More to watch a video about this system and how it can serve your institution.
CIMES Supports Launch of Brazilian Research Information System
In 2023, Rebecca Augustyniak and Blair Monroe of CIMES presented on Florida ExpertNet and the evolving field of expert finder and research information management systems at a launch event for the Brazilian Scientific Research Information Ecosystem. BrCris is an aggregator platform that enables users to retrieve, certify, and visualize data related to scientific research in the Brazilian context.
Course to Increase Awareness of Sex Trafficking
CIMES worked with Shared Hope International to produce three web-based trainings on sex trafficking. The entry-level course introduces the crime of domestic minor sex trafficking, how traffickers exploit victims, and services victims need to recover. The second course provides guidance for healthcare and social service providers on meeting survivors' needs. The third introduces law enforcement and criminal justice personnel to victim-offender intersectionality.
CIMES Awarded $4.8 Million from California Tobacco Control
The California Department of Public Health has awarded CIMES a five-year grant to continue a 23-year partnership fighting tobacco use. In 2001, CIMES developed a system for CDPH that supports the lifecycle of grants management to fund tobacco control programs across California. The system also supports analysis of program effectiveness at the local level. California has the longest, most successful tobacco prevention program in the U.S. CIMES is excited to continue providing outstanding services to support this client’s evolving needs.
Integrated, User-friendly Apps Support Business Processes
Many organizations rely on more than a dozen different information systems to support their business and program processes. This can make it challenging for employees and other users to quickly find the right piece of needed information to complete vital task. CIMES develops mobile apps that push high-priority, timely information for all program and business operations to users via phone, tablet, and desktop.
CIMES Sponsors International Forum on Expert Finder Systems
CIMES is the founding organizer and sponsor of the International Forum on Expert Finder Systems. The EFS Forum brings together builders and users of expert finder systems with decision makers to talk about research and trends in EFS and prospects for building a community of practice for EFS professionals.
Florida BH IMPACT and the Florida State University College of Medicine worked with CIMES to update and relaunch the FL Moms Mental Health Resource Directory, now called Connecting Moms to Care. The revised directory brings a fresh, easy-to-use design, an updated search tool, and the option for providers to log in and maintain their own data. Its purpose is to improve perinatal mental healthcare and outcomes in Florida.
Animated Videos Help Educators Apply for Certification
CIMES developed how-to videos for individuals applying for initial educator certification or for certificate renewal or subject addition. These whiteboard animation videos are highly accessible and target "sticking points" in the application process. They are viewed by thousands of educators each year.
Attracting Florida Students to Graduate Programs
CIMES created a web portal where Florida's public universities can recruit prospective graduate students from institutions around the state. The Graduate Candidate Identification System enables junior- and senior-level undergraduates at Florida's public universities to submit an interest form and invite potential contact from graduate programs, fellowships, summer research programs, and other Florida-based higher education opportunities.
Sustainable Green Team Wins Productivity Award
CIMES and two collaborating organizations were all certified gold within the Green Office Certification program of FSU Sustainble Campus. That led to the first Green Office Certified building at FSU.
Web-Based Format Is New for Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Course
The Florida Council Against Sexual Violence offers a 40-hour face-to-face training for those seeking to work as sexual assault nurse examiners (SANEs). However, that format is a barrier for many nurses. So, CIMES worked with FCASV to develop a blended program with 16 hours of web-based training and 24 hours of face-to-face training. The goal is to help ensure that every sexual assault survivor in Florida has access to a medical forensic exam by a SANE-trained provider.
Training for Food Inspectors Helps Keep Floridians Safe
The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services needed a training solution that standardizes food sampling procedures for all employees across the state. CIMES designed highly interactive web-based learning modules featuring video demonstrations, step-by-step illustrations, tips for best practices, and “tales from the trenches” featuring audio interviews with food inspectors.
Module Helps Network Serve Victims of Sexual Exploitation and Trafficking
The Open Doors Outreach Network was launched by Voices for Florida as part of an effort to address service gaps for victims of sexual exploitation and trafficking. An orientation module introduces Voices for Florida, ODON, its service model, and what is expected of partner organizations within the network. The training develops knowledge and skills that ensure fidelity to ODON’s service model, leading to standardized quality care regardless of location.
CIMES PR Campaign Invites You from the Past into the Future
The CIMES creative team attracted a lot of attention with this whimsical postcard marketing campaign! If you're looking for a new angle on old training, or want to develop new training, look first at our services and record of success. Our marketing campaigns will provide the perfect complement to your new training.
CIMES Hosts Expertise System Symposium for Florida Universities
CIMES hosted the Virtual Symposium on Expertise Systems in Florida Universities, bringing together entities in Florida’s universities that collect and disseminate information on faculty research, publications, and professional activities. Participants included those involved with expertise systems used in research information management, faculty advancement, library scholarly commons, commercialization, and industry engagement.
Quick Start Training Videos Use Animation to Help New Users
In addition to full web-based training packages, CIMES develops short video trainings that use whiteboard animation to present the basics of how to use an online system or web portal. These videos help users learn very quickly how to perform the entry-level tasks required by the system. CIMES has developed quick start videos for applicants for California Tobacco Control Program funding and for individuals applying for teacher certification through the Florida Department of Education.
English Language Institutes Benefit from New Business Management Systems
CIMES originally developed an integrated business management system called myCIES for the Center for Intensive English Studies at Florida State University. That system, which brings together application, registration, evaluation, grading, and billing processes with a user-friendly interface, was so successful that CIMES has since developed customized systems for the University of Florida (myELI) and the University of Houston (myUHLCC) as well.
Developmental Evaluation Will Help Network Evolve
Because the Open Doors model was implemented rapidly through existing service providers in six Florida regions, CIMES recommended a developmental evaluation, rather than a traditional program evaluation. CIMES used surveys and interviews to identify strengths and weaknesses in the implementation and enable the network to make changes in real time, as the model itself continues to evolve.
CIMES Wins Award for National Training Program
CIMES received a 2018 APEX Award for Publication Excellence for its web-based course called Recall Audit Checks. The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services in collaboration with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration funded the development of the training module.
Training Guides Patrol Officers in Trauma-Informed Approach
This short, high-impact module uses video interviews and a practice scenario to deliver its core message about the effects of trauma and encourage law enforcement officers to adopt trauma-informed approaches when working with sexual assault survivors.
Award-Winning Customized Training Is Aimed at Professional Engineers
The CIMES learning experience design team received a 2014 APEX Award for Publication Excellence for Project Traffic Forecasting, a Florida Department of Transportation web-based course that uses interactive scenarios to train professional engineers. If you're looking for a new angle on old training—or need new training—look first at our services and record of success. Who knows? Your course may be the next one to win an APEX award.
Florida ExpertNet Cited in National Study of Innovation Exchange Web Portals
Florida ExpertNet is featured in "Best Practices of Creating Innovation Exchange Web Portals Across the States," a May 2016 report by Cleveland State University. ExpertNet is a leading expertise system in the forefront of a growing national trend. The portal includes information about researchers at all 12 of Florida's public research universities and 2 private research universities. The ExpertNet database includes faculty experts and their funded research projects, specialized centers and institutes, licensing and commercialization opportunities, speakers bureau, and postsecondary education programs. Florida ExpertNet is operated by CIMES in partnership with the State University System of Florida Board of Governors.
2035 E Paul Dirac Dr 219 Morgan Bldg
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