The California Tobacco Control Program (CTCP) at the California Department of Public Health oversees tobacco control programs throughout California. The CTCP has more than a dozen information systems that support business and program processes both internally and externally. Many of their users now access those systems via mobile devices, so CTCP decided it was time to create an option for them to access the resources they need in a mobile-friendly format.
Trying to quickly find the right piece of information to support job functions can be challenging for CTCP staff, grant applicants, and other stakeholders. CTCP is seeking a more efficient and user-friendly interface for providing just-in-time information to its end users. CTCP's internal and external customers need a single sign-on and integrated tool that pushes high-priority, timely information for program and business operations to users via phone, tablet, and desktop.
After surveying users of CTCP's online information and services to identify their needs and priorities, the types of devices they use in the field, and the types of tasks they perform most frequently, CIMES is creating an integrated app that will provide a mobile-friendly quick-access point to communications and data currently residing in CTCP systems.
California Department of Public Health - California Tobacco Control Program
Sacramento, California
2035 E Paul Dirac Dr 219 Morgan Bldg
Tallahassee, FL 32306-2802
(850) 645-0830
Florida State University,
Institute of Science and Public Affairs
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