The Voices for Florida Open Doors Outreach Network seeks to improve care, coordination, and outcomes for commercially sexually exploited and trafficked children. The network uses an innovative approach that engages teams of survivor-mentors, regional advocates, and clinicians to provide 24/7 care to survivors. ODON works with local/regional partner organizations and community stakeholders to build a supportive network. As the backbone organization, Voices seeks to secure funding for the program and garner the support of community and business partners.
ODON started with six sites offering support services using its service model and is set to expand to the whole of Florida in a very short span of time. The challenge was to consistently implement the network's innovative approach through the diverse partner organizations while providing local flexibility and maintaining a high quality of service. Ongoing evaluation of the program is critical to ensure accountability and further improve its services.
CIMES performed a developmental evaluation to assess the effectiveness of the service model as implemented at the current pilot sites. Information was gathered via an online survey of network staff and stakeholders, including outreach team members, supplemented by face-to-face and telephone interviews of some of those surveyed.
The study identified aspects of the model that should be maintained and sustained as it is being implemented at new sites, along with other aspects of the model that can be modified to fit the local needs of partner organizations. The survey also identified needs for further training and improved communication and management processes.
Voices for Florida
Tallahassee, Florida
2035 E Paul Dirac Dr 219 Morgan Bldg
Tallahassee, FL 32306-2802
(850) 645-0830
Florida State University,
Institute of Science and Public Affairs
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